Virtual Civics Classroom

We don’t like to give homework, but…here’s a quizlet created by Nick Braun to challenge and improve your knowledge of U.S. Government!

Worksheets on Corruption

The Museum of Political Corruption wishes to promote civic education and an understanding of ethical governance throughout all appropriate grade levels.  We look forward to partnering with educational experts in presenting curricular options to help educate the next generation of leaders. Download the handouts below.

Activities for Homework or in Class

Create a short story that portrays a leader acting corruptly.  Alternatively, you could make this into a play, a graphic novel, or create a short reel with your classmates. 

Research one of the most notorious corrupt politicians of them all, Boss Tweed, and explain in your own words how he acted corruptly.

Select one of the following quotes on corruption or ethical leadership and explain what it means:  

  1. Quote #1:  At the birth of our nation, Benjamin Franklin was asked by Elizabeth Willing Powel: “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” Franklin replied: “A republic, if you can keep it.”
  2. Quote #2:  In the Bible (Deuteronomy 16:19) it says: “You shall not pervert justice; you shall not show partiality, nor take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous.”
  3. Quote #3: On the question of ethical leadership, the Museum of Political Corruption received the following quote from former President Jimmy Carter: “The root of ethical leadership is to tell the truth.” 

Visit our Museum Gift Shop.  What things do you think we should offer?  Design your own anti-corruption gift items (they can be serious or even humorous).  The Museum’s motto is “Making Corruption History!”   If you were to come up with a motto for the Museum, what would it be? 

let's make corruption history

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