Temporary Exhibit

Space A

The Museum of Political Corruption will offer temporary exhibits on a rotating basis that provide a detailed exploration of a compelling topic on corruption. You will find below projects either under consideration or in development. We hope you will come back for these and other exhibits, and we welcome your suggestions for future temporary exhibits.


the 'Other' Corruption

Corruption doesn’t always involve money.  Sex is often used in acts of bribery or extortion. 

Corruption in:

(put your country here)

No one country has a monopoly on corruption. We will explore the motivations and mechanisms of worldwide.

Shining Light on Dark Money

Wikimedia Commons

Dark money is the undercurrent of campaign finance where the source of the money is hidden.  

Whistleblowers, Past and Present

Daniel Ellsberg (Steve Rhodes/Flikr)

What does it take to be a whistleblower, like Daniel Ellsberg who exposed the “Pentagon Papers”? We will explore what brings individuals to blow the whistle. 

The Media: Corruption Colluders or Corruption Crusaders

We praise the “Fourth Estate” and muckrakers for providing valuable oversight, but that wasn’t (isn’t) always the case. The story runs deeper. 



Corruption is most often thought of on an individual basis. Yet, racial injustice opens the discussion to corruption at the societal level. 


let's make corruption history