Let's Make Corruption History

Welcome to the MPC's Virtual Museum!

To own our future, we must first own our past. The Museum of Political Corruption and its Center for Ethical Governance empowers the public to take charge of its own destiny and create the ethical, effective government we all deserve.

HAPPENING - October 13th!

HAPPENING - September 26th!


DARK MONEY September 26th, 8PM

To discuss the role of money in politics and the state of campaign finance in the US, the Museum of Political Corruption proudly presents a live event featuring the documentary Dark Money – a political thriller that examines the influence of untraceable corporate money on elections and elected officials.  Join us on September 26th, 8pm (EST) for a live roundtable conversation between the filmmaker and Dark Money director Kimberly Reed and other special guests.    SIGN UP NOW to receive exclusive access to the film, then tune in to the Museum of Political Corruption’s YouTube channel to participate in the virtual roundtable discussion, ask questions, and engage with the panelists in this timely conversation.

Visit our newest exhibit

Contemporary Quotes on Ethical Leadership

A collection of quotes on ethical leadership contributed to The Museum of Political Corruption from leaders representing diverse fields.  What’s your quote on ethical leadership?  An ongoing initiative of The Museum of Political Corruption and its Center for Ethical Governance

Reflections on Ethical Leadership
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"Ethical leadership is hard work performed with a selfless and soulful heart to lift up the downtrodden and, through them, all of humankind.”

Congressman Paul D. Tonko

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“Governing ethically means winning support from the governed, not just by winning votes, but for the actions taken in citizens’ names. When it comes to national security and surveillance, it means sources and methods can be secret, but the law itself must always be public. Cloaking the law in secrecy creates bad faith which corrodes Americans’ trust in the government and opens the door to ideologues and authoritarians.”

Senator Ron Wyden

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"An ethical public servant is free of conflicts of interest from personal assets, campaign contributors and partisan political loyalties. Ethics knows no party."

Richard Painter, Chief White House Ethics Lawyer under George W. Bush

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"Corruption is the opposite of the love of the public."

Zephyr Teachout, Associate Professor of Law, Fordham University

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“You can choose to be either a leader or a lemming. A leader is a person of courage and action, with integrity and an independent mind. A lemming is a small and unattractive rodent that will follow other unattractive rodents off a cliff. Choose to the be the former.”

Preet Bharara, former United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York

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In American politics, ethical leadership demands the capacity to ensure always that the M in me is turned upside down to become a W in we. Without that fundamental commitment to the broader good and the well-being of the whole, leaders easily fall prey with ruinous effect to the narrow confines of self- interest, ego and purposeless ambition.

Aaron David Miller, Vice President and Middle East Program Director at the Wilson Center

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“Ethical leadership is about transparency, ownership and accountability. Speak the truth, own your part in it and always be accountable.”

Marin Alsop, Music Director, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra

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“Elected officials are entrusted by voters to serve for the betterment of the public good. Public officials are rightfully held to a higher standard, and I work hard to conduct myself in the utmost professional and respectful manner. It is a true honor to represent the residents of the 109th NYS Assembly District, and I make every effort to uphold that honor in my service.”

Patricia Fahy, New York State Assemblymember

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"Integrity is the heart and soul of leadership. If people don’t know what you stand for, they cannot stand with you and behind you. That is all the more true of Jewish leadership, which – if it lives up to its name – serves a higher cause, the very Highest Cause: the age-old covenant of the Jewish people with God, one another, and the world."

Dr. Arnold Eisen Chancellor, Jewish Theological Seminary

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"It is not by great acts but by small failures that freedom dies....justice and liberty die quietly because men first learn to ignore injustice and then no longer recognize it."

Charles Morgan Jr., Civil Rights lawyer

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"It seems to me that the great ethical leaders of our times, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, Oscar Romero, Yitzhak Rabin, ... were willing to not only tell the truth but to love the truth and to pay the high price of telling and living the truth (misunderstanding, bigotry, hate, even death). For me it is not only telling the truth that matters but living the truth as best one can from day to day. It is less a question of understanding for me and more a question of willing it, of making something good happen."

Father Chris DeGiovine

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"Leaders will behave ethically, once they can envision a world in which everyone must behave as they do. Of course, this was Kant's idea, and it is as rational, true and challenging today as when he wrote it."

Frank Anechiarico, Maynard-Knox Professor of Government and Law, Hamilton College

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“Corruption is at the root of most evils of the World: Poverty, misery, despair of billions of people; death, refugees and conflicts of hundreds of millions; environmental destruction and climate change; hunger and disease; dictatorship and exploitation. It is hard to fight corruption, in particular international corruption in a globalized economy. National Governments do not have the geographic reach, the coherent constituencies, the appropriate time horizon to establish effective controls of corruption. We need a new paradigm of governance: Governments, private companies and Civil Society have to cooperate to diagnose corruption, develop remedies against it, and implement these remedies in a multi-stakeholder, holistic approach.

Peter Eigen Founder of Transparency International

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“Our work makes it clear that we must never take our system of government and our freedom for granted. Principled leaders dedicated to the rule of law must always stand ready to frustrate the plans of the corrupt few who would seek to undermine our liberty.”

Congressman Bennie G. Thompson, Co-Chair of the January 6th Committee

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“Corruption is central to so many of our world’s challenges. It erodes the trust of the people in their public institutions, destabilizes countries and regions, robs the treasuries of the resources for a country’s development and facilitates terrorism and illicit trade in arms, drugs and people. Strong ethical leaders are the antidote to this world disaster. Such leaders will place the public good as their number one priority and ensure that fair laws and rules are upheld along with strong institutions where transparency prevails. Such leaders will be uncorruptible.”

Dr. Huguette Labelle, Former Chair, Transparency International

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“In a time of global uncertainty and division, it has never been more critical for leaders to stand on their values, morals, and ethics. It is the foundation upon which all action springs forward and that action should spur change that results in the healing of communities, not the fracturing of them.”

Mayor Ted Wheeler, Portland, OR

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“Government leaders must never lose focus on citizens. Every decision we make should be framed with a concern for its impact on our neighbors and those strangers that share our sociopolitical jurisdiction. When we constantly remind ourselves of those to whom we’re accountable, ethical decision-making happens organically.”

Chief Thomas Jenkins, President and Chairman of the Board of the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC).

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“Ethical leadership is the foundation on which government and public service should be built. When personal gain or self-interest takes priority over the public good, our entire institution fails. So many elected representatives talk, but so few are willing to actually say what they mean and mean what they say. Hard-working men and women put their trust in us to act on their behalf, to be their voice, and to represent them with authenticity, honesty and integrity. Our obligation to uphold their trust supersedes everything else we do as public officials.”

Brian M. Kolb, former NYS Assembly Minority Leader

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"At the end of the day, ethical leadership requires one to be true to oneself. In so doing you come across with authenticity, trust, passion and compassion - all nurtured by a commitment to the truth and service to others."

R. Mark Sullivan, Past President, The College of Saint Rose

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"The root of ethical leadership is to tell the truth"

President Jimmy Carter

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“What makes democracy worth the effort is if those elected act more ethically than those who got the job through the divine right of kings. Corrupt politicians ruin the democratic experiment by acting as cravenly as the worst petty tyrants.”

Ciara Torres-Spelliscy, Professor of Law, Stetson University College of Law | Brennan Center Fellow

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"History teaches that a citizenry mirrors its leaders. When the people are morally and ethically strong, they prosper. When they are not, they decline."

Gerald Nebeker, Founder of RISE, Inc.

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“Ethical leadership means always putting your constituents’ interests ahead of your own. It means making decisions based on what’s best for the public we serve, irrespective of partisan politics or pressure from special interest groups.”

Deborah Zamer, Albany Common Councilmember

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"Ethical leadership means being guided by your love of your fellow man rather than by your love of superyacht owners."

Andy Borowitz

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"Ethical leadership involves setting aside personal ambitions and instead prioritizing goals that, if met, would leave the institution better off. Ethical leadership also requires pursuing those goals in a manner not just legal but also transparent, honest, and fair."

Richard Haass, former President of the Council on Foreign Relations, author of "The Bill of Obligations: The Ten Habits of Good Citizens."

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“Corruption is an alteration in the behavior of one in power from honesty to fraudulent conduct, betraying the trust of those who believe in them.”

Former NYS Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompson

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A welcome by Preet Bharara

The Museum of Political Corruption opened its virtual doors to the public on December 9th, 2021.  During the “ribbon cutting” ceremony, we offered a virtual tour of the museum  and we were honored to have former United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara deliver an address.  Mr. Bharara was one of five distinguished individuals that were inducted into the museum’s Hall of Honor.

A Note from Former President Carter

In 2017, as part of our Reflections on Ethical Leadership initiative, MPC Founder Bruce Roter reached out to President Carter asking for his perspective on ethical leadership.  Roter received his letter back and when he looked in the upper right hand corner, he saw that President Carter had responded with a hand-written reply. President Carter’s response was as elegant as it was insightful: “The root of ethical leadership is to tell the truth.” 

The Museum of Political Corruption salutes the ethical leadership demonstrated by President Carter throughout his many years of public service.

Thank You!

MPC programming has come alive through the participation of many brilliant thought leaders and creative artists. We thank them, and we thank you for your participation as well!

Alex Gibney

Susanne Craig

Clay Jones

Preet Bharara

Peter Eigen

Jerry Mitchell

Jane Mayer

Rob Reiner

David Remnick

Ronan Farrow

Ron Howard

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let's make corruption history